We’re getting closer…what will the creator of Life of Dad choose as the two funniest videos of the past year? Well, I’ll tell you number two right now…

The #2 Funny Video of the Year is… Male Breastfeeding, Part II

I love this video for multiple reasons:

(1) I think male breastfeeding is a hilarious concept.

(2) Many people got really angry with me when I posted this, thinking it was going too far.  I disagree…Dads need to bond too.

(3) We shot this on a Saturday afternoon at a shopping plaza in Orange County.  People were everywhere, and they were somehow okay with it.

Once again, my brother-in-laws were the stars, and the camera work was done by myself and my dad.  This is the little video that shouldn’t have been made, but is still my second most popular video of all time.