My youngest kid is always the first one up which was a major problem when she was younger because apparently noise never sounds noisy when she’s making it.

But as she got older, she started to take care to be quiet (yes, it does eventually happen). One morning while staying in a hotel, I woke up before 6am and saw the bathroom door cracked with the light on. Inside, I found her sitting on the floor reading. She said she wanted a light on but didn’t want to bother anyone else. So sweet and it almost makes up for the cabinet banging and music playing at 5am all those years.

Life of Dad user Rob Walker recently posted a cool photo about kids waking up in the morning and we thought it’d be fun to put together a collection of some of the best reactions to this daily phenomenon all parents face.

Dean Hoagland: My wife and I will be talking in the morning and if we hear our son make a noise, we automatically freeze like someone walked in on us doing something criminal.

Carl Kendrick: I can’t recall the last time I used my alarm clock to wake up. It been superseded by a two year old jumping on my face from his cot, like a WWE move.

Tim Walker: My lil’ man creeps up on me and says daa.. Then I know it’s time.

Mike Kilgus: I like to think about the “YOU SHALL NOT PASS!” scene every time the baby gate goes up.

Paul Schofield: I usually wake up to “Daddy, want Paw patrol on the telly…”

Dad and baby waking up early

*Flickr photo by Caitlin Regan, used under Creative Commons license.

Eric Fisher: IF I get lucky, I hear them before I get a flying elbow or knee from the corner of my bed.

Jon Elliott: 5:50AM this morning. I think it’s cuz the sun gets up early now. I cannot wait till December.

Jamie Pullman: One does not simply wake up daddy gently.

Alan Morris: The other morning my five year old son shouted down “morning dad” at 5:30am. I nearly cried. Thank god he went back to sleep.

Jason Astafan: When that happens, I roll over to my wife and lovingly whisper, “Gondor calls for aid.”

Joe Moyer: So true my boy us up at 4 am every morning.

What do your mornings look and sound like? Does your kid wake you up with wrestling moves or whines for food and television? Share your story with us on Facebook!

*Featured Flickr photo by Pixydust8605, used under Creative Commons license.