It’s a New Year, and everybody is working on their New Years resolutions.

I’m calling 2011 The Year of Awesome!  I’m striving to do something each month that I have never done before, and you’ll hear about it here.

When we entered 2010, my wife was very pregnant, and we knew that we had a journey ahead with our baby.

Now in 2011, we have an incredible 10 month old, and life is good.

We’re kicking off the Year of Awesome with January’s big event…

My wife loves the Real Housewives of anywhere.  I’ve seen a few episodes here and there, and I knew that I could have some fun with it with a camera crew.  You may have seen the sneak peek at the end of the year, but next week we will formally be introducing The Real Housedads of Orange County to the world.

To see a preview of what is to come, click here.

Here’s my headshot for the first season of Housedads.  It’s fancy.

Yep, my first name ends with an "s." You have a problem?

That’s right, I started my own semi-reality show and that is January’s Year of Awesome entry.  If you, or somebody you know, is doing something awesome this year, email me at, and I’ll share it on the website.  Each month I’ll feature what I have done, and also somebody else’s Year of Awesome story.

Everybody make the vow to do something out of the ordinary this year…It’s the Year of Awesome!