Sure, next weekend we are all celebrating Mother’s Day. We’re going to send flowers to mom and make sure that the kids draw nice cards for wives, girlfriends, exes…. whoever. But this year around I was thinking about where I would be without my wife and it made me realize how much she helps to define who I am. I could list a bajillion things that make her wonderful, but instead I’m going to focus on the things that I wouldn’t be, if it wasn’t for her. Mind you, some of this is guesswork since I can’t predict what might be happening in some other dimension where we never met, 185233_10151389771514766_821044463_nbut here it’s only speculation  because I can’t imagine there being any other way.

#1- A Dad— This is an easy one. Obviously I couldn’t biologically be a dad without a woman because I’m not a seahorse. But without Myra I think I’d be much less of a dad than I am. She’s read all the parenting books, done all of the research and is the driving force behind how awesome our kids are (honing the innate genetic awesomeness they get from me).

#2- Married— The other easy one. Again, purely speculation here, but I couldn’t imagine being married to anyone else.

#3- Responsible– Well, I should say AS responsible. Before I was married I was a very reliable person when it came to a lot of things. However paying bills on time, remembering important dates, eating moderately healthy…. all of those things took a back seat to generally not doing them. She has helped me to become more in tune with things I need to take responsibility for. Of course I’d still be lost on most of these things without her now, but at least I have the idea.

#4- Stable— I was laid off twice in the last few years. If it wasn’t for her, there is a good chance I could have added “hobo” to my resume. She not only financially supported us, but she also supported my decision to switch careers and backed me when work was slow coming in. I know it’s been hard for her to sacrifice time with the kids to be a nurse. She misses holidays and events and still does it to better the family. She’s awesome.

#5- Happy– This is the most important. Without Myra I wouldn’t be happy. Without her I’d be less of a person. She is an outstanding mother, a beautiful person and I love her more than anything.