What do you hope for? Not just a raise at work and a new car, and maybe an amazing vacation on an island somewhere, but as a dad, what do you hope for? We asked this question recently on our Facebook page and got back so many good responses. Here is just a sampling of a dad’s new hope!

Andy Dawson: Sleep. Also for my just turned 3 year old daughter to grow up happy and confident in a peaceful world, knowing she can be a Princess if she wants – or Spiderman, an astronaut, or Prime Minister.

David Foster: The hope for my child to happy and healthy and that I can live long enough to know I did something right to help achieve that goal.

Emily Therese: As a daughter with a great dad, here are some words. He loved me fiercely and made sure I was safe with a bed time story from some of the greatest books in literature (Jules Vern is one of my favorites with all the adventure such as 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea). He empowered me to stand strong when I was bullied mercilessly for being pale white, bright red hair, and freckles. He taught me the value of learning inside and outside of school and to keep an open mind with critical thinking. He taught me that I am more than being a “girl” and I can do more than house work- I can take care of a car and change the oil/tire, fix plumbing and electrical outlets, build furniture and remodel anything I want to change. He taught me good character in being honest, virtuous, and kind. He gave me the gift of faith in a higher being I call God and taught me prayer and gratitude. He taught me the value of giving is greater than receiving. So for all the dad- this is what I value as a grown adult that my dad gave me. My dad isn’t perfect and no dad will be perfect. Try and give the best of yourself and you will be more than enough; your children will see your efforts in your actions. [Emily, you needed a tissue warning before that! Beautiful stuff – thank you for sharing your story!]

Karl Lambert: Kids to learn that, with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. That if they are determined, and have passion about something – and truly believe in it – they can achieve it. Nothing will be easy, but the risk is worth the reward!

Kaine Davis John: I want my daughter to grow up in a responsible community. I want her to know I will stand behind her 100% on the right choices she makes as she ages. I want her to able to know that nothing is impossible all it takes is more hard-work and dedication. She is truly capable of anything she chooses to do.

Charles Buhl: I hope that I can teach my children to look past the angle they see and to look further. There’s so much to this world, that I believe as adults we, close our eyes, to block out what we don’t want to see, feel or even know.

Andrew Richards: That my child will grow up respecting women. Respecting anybody who isn’t the same as him. All I hope for is that my son turns out to be a good person and not a xenophobic, misogynistic, racist person. That’s what I hope for.

Luis Olivas: That my 8 year old really becomes an Astronaut and brings us to the moon like he keeps saying he is going too!

Finally, a bit of humor from Christopher Stevenson: The day will come when my daughter decides she no longer wants to ask 20 questions first thing in the morning when my wife and I have time to sleep in for once. It could happen right?

What do you hope for as a dad? Something for you, something for your kids? Share your hope with us on Facebook!