FB vs RF copy Which is more important to you? This may seem like a no-brainer, but in my experience I have seen cases where people put more effort into their “Facebook Family” over their real family. This is not a rant about how Facebook is evil. I would be a hypocrite if that was my message. I have an account and use it to share photos, promote articles, or keep in touch with my family and friends.

There are many good reasons why people are on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. To each their own. Yet when it comes to putting your virtual family above your own family is where I think it might have a negative impact. Plus, what you are teaching your kids about building relationships?

I have seen people invest their time creating a fantasy world in order to show others that their life is fantastic. They post pictures or sayings that are cliché to look for praise or more friends. Is that something you want to teach your kids?

For me, I say no. I want to show my kids that no matter what is going on in your life you should look to make an impact in the real world first. Especially now more than ever in our world that is centered on the internet and technology, we should show our kids that making connections in the real world is the most important thing. Yes, using the internet to network and help to grow your business large or small is very important. I am talking about when someone cares more about an online family over their actual family.

You can easily hide behind a computer and “talk” with someone online. If you are in a fight with someone you can block them from your timeline. You can even “check in” on that person by going on their page. You can be in that person’s life without ever talking with them on the phone or in person. Hiding in the frames of social media is not something you should teach your kids.

If you want to be a good role model to your kids you should show them that you need to reconcile your differences with friends or family members in person. Don’t look to wait for that person to come to you. To me Facebook allows someone to control every aspect of their life when it comes to relationships. For a successful relationship you need the right amount of give and take. You don’t get that on Facebook.

Who knows what will be the main form of social media when my kids get old enough to have their own account. I just will make sure that I will teach my kids to put family and friends first. Then after that they can put effort into their other “friends” on Facebook.