I drool.  I don’t drool¹ an extreme amount, but after waking up in the morning, there may be some drool on my pillow.  Unless I hook up a dentist saliva vacuum² to me at night (not in the plans), I think I’ll always drool a little bit.

Most babies drool.  I’m assuming many of their dads don’t drool.  I’m just guessing…I don’t know much about drooling patterns of dads.

Since I drool, I always thought the odds were good that my baby would drool quite a bit.  But she didn’t…for the first four months of her life…

In this past month, she has made up for it.  Babs drools everywhere and anywhere.  She’ll do it whether she is smiling or crying, and she doesn’t even try to hide it.

Yesterday morning I was holding Babs up in the air above me, and we were smiling at each other with our mouths open.  Big mistake.

In a combination of fast and slow motion, I saw a bubble of drool drop from her mouth, and since I was looking up and smiling, it landed directly in my mouth.

Yes, Babs drooled not only on me, but into my mouth. 

I wasn’t quite sure how to react, so I just continued to smile, as she was having a blast.  Then I started to realize that I was a key ingredient to creating this baby.  When you think about it…her drool is my drool. 

Then last night I drooled³ her drool onto my pillow.  You have to drool it forward.

¹ According to the Microsoft Word spell check, “drool” is not a verb.  Don’t these people have kids?!?!

² Dentist Saliva Vacuum….is this the correct name for it?  I hope so.

³ Does anybody know what the past tense of “drool” is?  “Drooled” looks awesome, but again spell check failed me.

"Here's what I think about you writing about my drool, Dad!"