I’ve always heard that Daylight Saving Time is for the farmers. Well…how many farmers do you really know these days? I bet you can’t name more than two off the top of your head.

This is why I believe Daylight Saving Time is for families. Here are 5 reasons why the time change makes families happier.

1)  Babies sleep later.  My daughter wakes up when its light out. If the sun rises later, she sleeps longer. It’s glorious.

2)  Parents have time to exercise in the morning.  That’s right, because of #1 above, I can now fit this in.  More physically fit parents means happier parents.

3)   Parents have more free time overall.  That’s right, also because of #1, I have more time to put into Life of Dad.  Tell your friends about us, as we are growing at a fast pace.

4)  The farmers can sleep a little longer, which makes our food seem even happier.  (I have no idea what this means, but I needed a #4).

5)  It’s still light out when parents get home from work.  This means we can (a) barbecue (b) take a walk with the kids or (c) possibly go to the beach for the sunset.

I’m pretty sure that many families will agree with most of the above points. Plus, I want to hear from you what else do you like about Daylight Saving Time?

My next step (not a joke) is to write to the governor of California, and possibly the president of the United States, asking them to extend Daylight Saving Time one more hour, and then I believe we would achieve world peace and happiness.

That’s right, the formula to world peace is as follows…

Sleeping Babies = Happier Parents = World Peace

Wait a second…my baby just made some sounds…and its only 6:30AM… don’t fail me, Daylight Saving Time!

Babies of all ages sleep longer because of Daylight Saving Time.