Sure, they are cute, cuddly, hilarious and say some flat-out adorable things but kids are also brilliant, observant, truth-telling little people. I’ve heard kids throw shade on nonsense that isn’t playful and say some of the smartest things ever. We asked the dads and moms of our Facebook community to share with us the smartest things they’ve ever heard their kids say. Here’s just a small taste of the brilliance!

Nick Luton: I said to my daughter at age 5 “depends if your glass half full or half empty kind of person” her response;
“We’ll that depends whether you last drank from the glass or last filled the glass, if you were taking juice out its half empty, if you’re filling it up its half full”. Will always remember that.

Mark Summers: I was in a supermarket in the bakery section and my 6 year old spotted a pink birthday cake she wanted. I said but it’s not your birthday. She said ‘but the cake doesn’t know that!”

Dennis Antonisen: One Day I accidentally thought I would vacuum the living room, but when I took the vacuum cleaner out, my daughter yelled ‘daaaad that’s mom’s vacuum cleaner ! I haven’t touched it since…

Raymond Torres: “I may be retarded but your stupid!” No joke! A teenager with down syndrome said this to me in cooking class when I forgot to put the lid on the blender before turning it on, causing my ingredients to fly everywhere!

Simone Felgner: My 6y old son was visiting me at work once. A colleague ask him if he likes to help us a bit. He answered: No, child-labour is forbidden!

Kendra Benson: “Life is life, kids are kids, adults are adults. That’s just how it is, mom.” my 5 yo kiddos response to “How was school today baby?”

Michael Amanat: My kids were playing outside building some things, coloring with sidewalk chalk, etc… My 4 year old daughter calls my 6 year old son over to do something. He reluctantly walks over and says “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it’s a bad idea”.

Celeste Stephens: Not my son but my nieces were following their mother around the house and my sister yelled “why are you guys following me”

Sarah Jane Oakes: My daughter is 6 and a kid stuck his finger up at her saying I’m giving you the rude finger and with out missing a beat she turned around and said all your fingers are naked so they are all rude then taught her well had biggest smile on my face that day. My niece responded with “why are we following you? Because we are your kids and you’re our mom that is why.” She was 6 at the time.

What’s the smartest thing your child has said recently? Share it with us on Facebook!

Flickr photo by Lotzman Katzman, used under Creative Commons license.