
The world has become a smaller place with the internet. We can get information on things in less than five seconds. Not only can get information on a whim, but so can our kids. It can be a blessing and a curse. The internet can be addicting for kids. There have been software programs to help block children going to certain sites, bit the MiiPC looks to help that issue.

The MiiPC is a compact personal computing device that runs on the Android operating system. You can connect MiiPC to a computer monitor or your TV and instantly turn it into a learning, media and entertainment station. Since it runs on the Android system you are able to surf the web, play games, watch videos, edit documents, and run Android apps. Netflix and other film apps allow you to watch your favorite movies. 3


To go with the MiiPC you can download an app to control the PC. With the app you are able to create time limits and see what is being seen on the computer as your child is surfing the web. It works on your iPhone and Android phones.

MiiPC can change its programs based the age of your child. There is a built-in time management feature that allows older children, such as those in high school, to become more productive by providing feedback on their usage. And for the younger kids mobile controls give parents the ability to structure a nurturing and safe environment with real-time monitoring.

“Our mission is to create a simple and effective way for families to take back control of online experiences, letting MiiPC create a safe and relaxed environment for your family computing”


If you are looking to safeguard your children from certain parts of the internet than check out the MiiPC. For more information you can check out their website page.