My boy is skinny, just like me.

Yep, last week we passed the 26 weeks of pregnancy mark, and yes, told me that Tommy Boy is the length of a hothouse English cucumber.

I also found out that this cucumber can now hear, so I’ve started talking or singing to him almost every night.  The song he has heard the most, for sure, is “Livin’ on a Prayer,” by Bon Jovi.  The song starts out with his name, so he needs to know it:

“Tommy used to work on the docks…”

Plus, my wife and I sang “Livin on a Prayer” at our wedding, so I have no choice but to teach it to my unborn son.  Watch our wedding version here!

When Lucy was pregnant with Babs, I talked to the baby bump every night, and it totally worked.  When Babs arrived, she was soothed by the sound of my voice, and when we were going through some health struggles, we were often able to calm the baby down by singing to her.

As Tommy is in the womb, I can literally help create his musical tastes, by introducing certain genres of music to him.

What song should I be singing to him, so that he has that song in his head when he is born?