I’ve got a pair of pre-teens in my house so I’m in the ‘I want them to know about sexting, sexual reciprocation and that they can talk to dad about anything and everything – no matter how ‘icky’’ phase of parenting life. These are not the easiest conversations to have but this is what parenting is about, this is the hard sledding. We wanted to know what the most important things are the dads and moms of our Life of Dad Facebook community what their kids to know. Here are some of the most thoughtful responses.

Michael Addyman: Respect….and I don’t mean for me. Respect people for who they are wether you agree or not, respect animals for what they are and not what you want them to be, respect nature for what it is and the beauty it provides.

Brian Roundtree: It’s only a mistake if you didn’t learn the lesson. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move forward.

Gavin Lucas: I want my daughter to know that a little love goes a long way. It’s mind-boggling how awful people can be to each other, and I really want to teach my daughter to love everyone she meets, and to treat all humans with respect and dignity!

Jessica Swan: That there is a lot of good people in this world. There are also people that are bad in this world. Trust your instincts.

David Tribble: Failure part of life and how you push through those times is how you succeed.

Mohekia Howard: Never accept being treated as a lesser human being by anyone.

Allan Walsh: I want my son to know that even though we’re kept apat, I’m always going to be here for him, and I’ll always love him.

Chris Barrs: Manners cost nothing but they can earn you a lot.

Bryce Markovitz: That life is short, and laughing as well as being that friend who never leaves is important. Make a mark where someone (if just one person) is eternally grateful they know you.

Jared Beagley: Don’t let this world take away your kindness and compassion. It will sure try.

Adam Pickett: Be a lighthouse, not a tug boat.

What say you? What’s something important you want your kid to know? Share it with us on Facebook!

*Flickr photo by DadBlunders, used under Creative Commons license.