We’ve all sacrificed our share of sleep but what else have you given up to be the best parent you can be: cigarettes, cars, jobs or friends? We asked this question to our Facebook community recently and here’s what you told us that you’ve given up from your life since becoming a parent.

Craig Ford: I used to love training and competing in MMA. I had to give it all up when my little girl arrived. This was a side product of having to leave a job I really enjoyed as my wife lost her job so we needed more money so I to take a better paid job which meant unsociable hours which put a stop to training which had been a part of my life since I was 11. It was not a hobby it was a way of life to me and something I held dear to my heart. But I don’t see it a sacrifice I see it is a duty towards my family. It is my job a parent to provide and do what ever it takes. But my little girl is with every hardship and more.

Garrett Willis: The day my son was born was the first day in 12 years I didn’t smoke a cigarette. I was at two packs a day, haven’t touched one since. He’s the only one in my life that’s ever gotten me to quit, and he did it without even asking.

Jim DiVito: I’m a single dad with custody of 3 kids so I had to put my social life on hold (I only get one weekend a month of freedom), working a crappy job and my career on hold because of the schedule so I can spend more time with the kids, and any hope for a relationship. I’m not complaining, it’s just the sacrifice we make as parents, and it’s worth it.

Mark Peel: I wouldn’t say I’ve “given up” anything…I’ve substituted some worthless pastimes for the ultimate reward of watching my daughter grow and learn and become her own person. There can be nothing better.

Dennis Shaw Jr.: I gave up family because without a relationship with my kids you’re not going to have one with me. Second I gave up my friends because I didn’t want my children growing up with that kind of elements around. So I pretty much gave up the person I was before kids and I will never regret it.

Beau Grissett: My 67′ mustang. It was the hardest thing I had to do but I sold it just before my son was born and used the money to pay off our bills. I didn’t want the added stress of bills piling up while trying to help my wife with the baby. Maybe one day I’ll be able to buy it back or find another.

Justin Lockert: Social life and sleep. And I’m ok with it. Really showed me who my real friends were.

Tony Williams: Triathlon. There’s hardly enough time to run, let alone swim and bike. But the lycra is still in the cupboard, waiting for the kids to be old enough to ride with me.

Jeremiah Van Doren: I’ve always driven only classic cars, but once my daughter came it was clear they wouldn’t be suitable daily drivers. Sold lots of toys to pay medical bills too.

Chad Johnson: Spontaneity, it’s the only thing I miss from before having kids. Going to see a movie that started in 20 minutes, now takes weeks of planning.

What have you sacrificed since becoming a dad or mom? Share your story with us on Facebook.