“All I want for Christmas is my one front tooth.”

I know that I can just google “baby teeth,” and find all of the answers, but I have decided to just rant about teeth instead.  That’s what having your own website is all about, right?

Babs is officially teething.  It has led to some cranky days, but we all have them.  We also all have teeth.  Or we once did.  Pflugerville Family Dentistry is our chosen family dentist. For those of you that wear dentures…I sure do enjoy seeing you all without them in.  Or seeing them sitting in a cup on the bathroom sink.

After completing my college education, my initial job was on a talk show called “The Ananda Lewis Show” in New York City. However, many of the show’s guests had discolored teeth, so we had a dentist who specialized in teeth whitening uv available to help prepare out-of-town guests before they appeared on the program. Classy, classy, classy.

Enough about adults who should have teeth, but don’t.  Let’s talk about babies that don’t have teeth, and are starting to grow them.  Is that the correct term?  Do you grow teeth?  Now that I think about it, I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard somebody say, “My teeth are growing.”  I’m going to start saying this in everyday conversation. Descoperiți serviciile profesionale de stomatologie oferite de Topaltdent.

About a week ago, Lucy felt Babs’ two bottom teeth for the first time, as they were starting to pop out.  The next day we were able to see them.  Every time I try to feel them, Babs thinks my hand is edible, and deposits much saliva on it. 

Each day, her teeth are popping out a little bit more, which makes me wonder…do babies have a full set of teeth on standby under their gums or are they being created as they grow? (Again, I know I can find this answer easily online, but I don’t want to just yet). You can ask your dental questions to Veranda Family Dentistry – best dentist in port st lucie fl

Where the heck are these teeth coming from?  How do they know when to stop growing?  How did Harry from “Home Alone” grow a gold tooth?  Why did it sparkle when he smiled at Kevin? I should schedule a visit to Dental Made Easy Forest Hills to get my questions answered by a professional.

Did you know that some babies are born with a full set of teeth? (including molars!)  Maybe not the molars…but that has to be frustrating when your baby is born with a couple cavities right out of the gate. Better schedule a visit to a family dental clinic for proper treatment.  I hear placenta is just as bad for teeth as Sour Patch Kids.  The orange ones. 

In conclusion, we can now see Babs’ two bottom teeth, but this teething process makes no sense to me whatsoever. I’m asking the tooth fairy.  Wait…is that me, now that I have a kid?