What is your Tuck Dynasty? You may have one and not even know it!

I remember many things from my childhood, some things were suppressed intentionally, and some things just lost to father time and malted hops. One small thing that seemed virtually meaningless when I was young has become somewhat of a legacy…though no one really recognizes it.

I spent a lot of time with my cousin growing up. Which meant that I slept over at my aunt and uncle’s quite a bit. They let us stay up way late. Occasionally when it was time to crash at a reasonable hour, we had trouble getting to bed. Figuring out a way to make bedtime fun for my daughter has become a challenge in my own very new experience as a father. She cries when I lay her down in the crib, which hurts me every time it happens. I know she’s tired. I know there’s nothing wrong with her, yet still I hurt. More importantly, because she doesn’t speak yet, there’s no way to communicate to her that everything will be ok if she just submits to the exhaustion and closes her eyes for the night. I know what I’ll do as soon as she can understand what my Tuck Dynasty is though!

When my aunt and uncle would tuck us in at night they did a ‘tuck, tuck, tuck, tuck’ verbiage while actually tucking the sheets under us into the tight sheet bound cocoon children we would remain for the few minutes before the restlessness set in. It was and to us still is hilarious. Without realizing it I carried this into my adulthood and now my fiance asks for ‘tuck, tuck’ before she goes to bed. I know…its silly…but its great too!

This got me wondering about everyone else. Do you have a Tuck Dynasty? What do you do to get your kids in bed and make that part of your day entertaining instead of it being a chore?

If you don’t have a fun routine then maybe this helped you some? I can only hope!

– Marshall