Pixie dust ain’t got nothing on Dad 2.0. The annual summit of digital daddyhood is a mystical bottle of potion enabling men to do remarkable things. For example, certain Amateur Idiots summon the power to rise on 3 hours of sleep for an intense yoga session one morning and a brisk 5K run the next. This defies any known logic but at a Dad 2.0 Summit, all things are possible. Magic.

Need additional proof that there’s more than craft beer and Napa Valley wine in the water at Dad 2.0? Check this:

Guys who self-identify as perpetual non-winners in a contest-sense suddenly walk away with box after box of toy and product, meaning that in addition to Raising Sienna, they also begin raising a burgeoning eBay business from their NYC apartment. Magic.

Hours after the official programming at Dad 2.0, some 39 year old men play Mortal Kombat for the first time ever. It is 1am and in 32nd floor hotel room, a man takes part in and does a rambling suboptimal play-by-play of a video game for which he doesn’t know the characters names or the titles of the moves being performed, on a nerd dad podcast despite being positively unqualified to ever appear on such a program. Magic.

On tour buses, in the dark of night, buzzworthy Calgary-based radio men reveal their real names during this unique annual Dad Camp. Magic.

A burly bearded man from America’s hat makes men cry in one instance and is the butt of a stand-up comedian’s joking in the next. Only at Dad 2.0. Magic.

Everyone calms the F down when a boat finally finds its way to a U.S. port on day 2 of the 2015 Dad 2.0 Summit, meaning parents everywhere can, once and for all, chillax. Magic.

Tim Tam Dad2

A modern father from the land down under sneaks dozens of tasty Tim Tams into the country and distributes them like the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Child Catcher to hungry men as midnight approaches on the final night of the Summit. Delicious Magic.

Hundreds of grown-ass men choose silly nicknames like Gronk, Sparty, Groot, Baby Groot, and Wood Jordan, and pledge to ‘go back to camp‘ with America’s favorite Bobblehead Dad. Nostalgic Magic.

Many of those same grown-ass men became little boys again during a night spent at Lucasfilms watching LEGO stuff I’d be snipered-down if I told you about and posing with stormtroopers and R2D2. Strange Magic.

Dad2 Stormtroopers

Finally, California Pizza Kitchen manages to be an actual meal option in one of the greatest food city’s in the world and an urban townie bar gets more business than it probably ever deserves. Dark magic.

Get some of this magic potion for yourself next February in Washington D.C. Early bird tickets are now on sale for Dad 2.016. Buy ’em now, before they hibernate until summertime. Pure magic.