This was a timely question we posed to our Life of Dad Facebook community because right now, my two kids have managed to lose the remote to the big flatscreen TV which renders it a 2-ton brick stuck to the wall in the family room. Kids are losing stuff all the time so we wanted to know what besides the remote control are you missing currently. Here’s the best of what you told us.

Andrew Guevara: Changing stations to change my sons diaper in men’s restrooms. [our friend Scotty is trying to help you with this!]

Paul Paxton: Respect! As a stay at home dad . A large portion of men think I am vaginized. And a larger portion of women think I am taking advantage of my wife and have no idea of how to raise a child.

Evan Andersen: When I was younger, I remember always taking my Dad’s electrical tape and wasting, erhm, “using” it all. Well 3 kids later, and I can never find mine… *sigh*.

Adam Loomis: Utensils! I have one messy ten year old that sometimes sneaks her food off to her room and sometimes does strange things like throw them in drawers, and now I think the two year old is excited about throwing stuff away and has thrown away half of our forks and spoons! [editor’s note: eeeewwww!!]

Travis Lovins: Answers. For all the questions my 6 year old asks me. I love his curious nature, but sometimes Daddy just doesn’t know! I take all of his questions seriously, and when there’s something I don’t know, I’ll Google it.

Ciarán Keogh: An outfit her Mother approves: “What do you mean they’re pajamas?!”.

Chris Peterson: Privacy. Even the bathroom with the door locked isn’t safe.
but Erik G. Snyder gets more, ummm, specific: Pooping without interruption.

Luis Olivas: My pens it seems like lil picaso gets to all of them!

Andre McNair: I’ll take sleep for a hundred, Alex!

Jacob Robert: Remotes. TV, surround sound, Xbox. Doesn’t matter what it is as long as it controls something. He hides them in the weirdest places.

Edward Sayre: It’s always the socks.

Jesse Nadell: Bloomers for skirts and dresses. They disappear and no one sells them solo.

Finally, I think Ethan Vandergriff pretty much nails it when he tells us what he is missing: “Sanity.”

What can’t you find around the house or out in the world? Share with us what you are missing as a dad!

*Flickr photo by Caitlin Regan, used under Creative Commons license.