The country’s top baby doctor, Dr. Harvey Karp, stops by Bobblehead Dad Parenting today to share great tips to help your baby and toddler sleep great!

Dr. Karp is author of the best selling series, “The Happiest Baby”, and talks today about his new book, The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep – which is loaded with information that will help you get off to the right start with your new baby and improve your older children’s sleeping habits. We’ll talk about:

  • Where a newborn baby should sleep
  • The importance of white noise (and what makes the perfect white noise)
  • Why you should “wake up” your little one before putting them to bed
  • How to minimize nightime feedings
  • The importance of swaddling
  • And much, much more

References from this podcast:

Dr. Karp’s Facebook Page

The Happiest Baby