[amazon asin=B008HAIWIW&template=thumbnail1&chan=default]Guest: Steve Hassan, author of Freedom of Mind.

Topic: Helping loved ones leave controlling people, cults, and beliefs.

Issues: Evaluating the situation; what all cults have in common; understanding the tactics used by cults to recruit and retain members; communicating with a cult member; planning and holding interventions; and much more.

[amazon asin=1591792568&template=thumbnail1&chan=default]Guest 2: Meir Schneider, creator of the Natural Vision Improvement Kit.

Topic: Improving eyesight naturally.

Issues: Proven, non-surgical methods of improving eyesight; exercises to increase eye health; what accounts for the growing percentage of children who wear glasses; Meir Schneider’s inspirational story of overcoming blindness using these techniques.

[amazon asin=B0049P24A6&template=thumbnail1&chan=default]Guest 3: Auriela McCarthy, author of The Power of the Possible

Topic: How to stop being right and start being happy.

Issues: How to stop arguing over mundane issues like housework; using everyday stories from real people as a way to get you to rethink everything you believe about relationships and how to make them better.