[amazon asin=B006Q1SRMA&template=thumbnail1&chan=default]Guest: Joshua Henkin, author of The World without You.

Topic: A novelist talks about his recent book about a family coping with the loss of an adult child.

Issues: How a family member’s death affects the survivors; struggling with moving on; and much more.

[amazon asin=B0017I2DDG&template=thumbnail1&chan=default]Guest 3: Vicky Levy Krupp, author of The Kids’ Book Club Book.

Topic: How to organize a great kids’ book club.

Issues: Based on surveys from over 500 book clubs, parents, librarians, and educators, here are the best reading ideas, recipes, activities, and tips.

Guest 4: Peggy Collins, author of Help is NOT a Four-Letter Word.

Topic: Why doing it all is doing you in.

Issues: Are you constantly trying to do it all? Do you avoid delegating? Do you not trust others to do things right? Are you afraid you’ll look weak if you ask for help? If you answered Yes to any or all of the above, you may be suffering from Self-Sufficiency Syndrome (SSS) and heading for a major burnout; how to recognize the signs and symptoms of SSS and start enjoying life more.