[amazon asin=0778804208&template=thumbnail&chan=default]Guest 1: Alexandra Anca, author of The Food Allergy Health and Diet Guide .

Topic: Managing food allergies and intolerances by eliminating common allergens and gluten.

Issues: Identifying the most common allergens; finding out for sure whether you have an allergy/intolerance; strategies for living with food allergies; preparing healthy, delicious allergen-free meals.

[amazon asin=1596438312&template=thumbnail&chan=default]Guest 2: David Kessler, author of Your Food is Fooling You.<
Topic: How your brain is hijacked by sugar, fat, and salt.

Issues: Why we overeat; why it’s so hard to stop; how we can break the cycle once and for all; additional pressured by teens; helping teens stay away from potentially lifelong bad habits.

[amazon asin=0976287706&template=thumbnail&chan=default]Guest 3: Preston Smith, author of The Potty Trainer.

Topic: The ultimate guide to potty training your child.

Issues: When to start potty training; how to do it; the importance of parents staying engaged in the process; the increasing number of post-potty-training issues such as bedwetting, daytime accidents, etc; when a toilet-related issue warrants a trip to the pediatrician.

[amazon asin=1581105851&template=thumbnail&chan=default]Guest 4: Laura Jana, author of Food Fights .

Topic: Winning the nutritional challenges of parenthood armed with insight, humor, and a bottle of ketchup.

Issues: How to pick your battles and arm yourself accordingly; tv dinners, fast foods and other nutritional minefields; the 5-second rule; influences of family, friends, and others.