Fascinating new research about the brain of teenagers has changed what brain scientists and educators used to assume about the subject. If you have ever parented, mentored or taught a teen, you know this is probably the most perplexing challenge you’ll ever face. Why do they act the way they do? The research reveals not only insights on the peculiar behavior of teens, but also illuminates what happens to their brains as they become adults. The long-term consequences are enormous, and if parents understood what’s happening, they could help give their child a superior mind. What can a parent do to help their teenager grow up to be a responsible, independent adult?

Dr. Dennis Coates, known as the “Teen Brain Guy”, believes a big part of the answer involves understanding what’s going on in the teen brain. Tune in on Thursday, 3 PM Pacific – 6 PM EDT, to listen to his counsel and ask him your specific questions.