Shaun becomes a Big Green Egg Monk / Shaun almost kills himself because of bat houses. / We discuss the need or lack thereof for a Mini Van / Awesome 70s Vans / Obssession with Stuff / Why Cargo Shorts are Amazing / Punishing your kids with public humiliation / Where are all the changing tables??! / The amazing electric razor HeadShaving Experience

Topics and Links

Shaun Talks about The Big Green Egg Experience

Recipes for The Big Green Egg

The Differences between The Big Green Egg vs. Other Grills

Tiiiiiin Roof, Rusted. On Bat House.

Know the Rules of Ladder Safety

Barking Tree Frogs and/or Spiders, AKA Farts.

Dan Gets a Mini Van

1970’s Awesome Van

10 Reasons Dogs are Better than Cats

Why are we so obsessed with STUFF!!?

Who Makes Your Favorite Cargo Shorts?

Kid won’t listen to Parents, ya gotta picket.

Does Grounding Work?

Where Have all the Changing Tables, Gooooone?

Josh’s Amazing Razor from Panasonic

MMM – Mad Max Mohawk

10 Weirdest Necks

OUTRO MUSIC: Swagger Wagon: The Official Toyota Sienna SE Song