It seems that there is a dangerous trend going around that involves our kids. I am not talking about teenagers or kids, but toddlers. It seems that children around the ages of two and three are voicing their opinion about diapers. My youngest, Jordan is part of these “unruly kids”.  The trend is called the “Diaper Drop!” Hopefully this phenomenon will not be like “Tebowing” or we are all in trouble.

For those who don’t know about the “Diaper Drop,” let me fill you in. It is where a child doesn’t feel like wearing a diaper anymore and rips the diaper right off. To them it doesn’t matter if they are at home, the park, or the mall. Most of the stories I have heard happened at home, so at least there is some bit of good news.

Jordan sees her big sister use the potty, which helps as a great motivator for potty training, but if you are not careful you can have a big mess on your hands…..or your floor. At a drop of a hat, Jordan will take off her pants or shorts and then rip off her diaper.  She will say, “Potty time. Potty time.” Then off goes the diaper and she runs for the closest bathroom. It is good to see she wants to be a big girl and no longer need diapers, but it can be very bad if I am not in arms length to help her out.  This mostly happens during bath time because she sees her older sister get undressed and hop into the tub. She wants to do the same thing and I just hope there isn’t a present waiting to be dropped on the bathroom floor.

I thought it was just happening to me, but I was wrong. About a month ago I was talking with my friend Steve about our daughters. It turns out his middle daughter who is going to be three soon does the “Diaper Drop” as well. He got the worst “Diaper Drop” you can get. He heard his daughter say something to the effect of “I don’t like this diaper.” Then he heard “Ewww…gross!” He saw that she had taken off her diaper filled with number two. It was a mess that I don’t want to describe in detail. I think Steve wakes up in cold sweats from the nightmares he had from that event.

So parents, who are having their kids wanting to transition from diapers to underwear, stay alert. You never know if you will be the next victim of a “Diaper Drop.”
