There’s nothing like the arrival of a small bundle of human to unlock superpowers we never knew we possessed. Whether it’s the ability to sleep during the dreaded ‘we just need to let her cry it out’ phase of childhood or the power to suppress ALL THE CURSE WORDS when you step on a LEGO in the middle of the night, we dads and moms are nearly as super as any Marvel superhero. So we recently asked the parents in our Facebook community, “what’s your parenting superpower?”. Here are just some of your talents:

Mike Arruda: I have supersonic hearing and know when it’s too quiet they are up to no good.

Or Santiago: Killing the bugs… my little girl thinks I’m the pest control guy. Kidding aside, I trust to keep my family safe from pests.

Matthew Harwood: The ability to listen without really listening but still answering correctly and remember everything they said word for word.

Randy Horton: The ability to do everything with one hand and pick stuff up with my feet when necessary.

Matt Lemm: Catching him lying 100% of the time. Human lie detector.

Justin Siler: I can step on a Lego barefoot and NOT curse.

Hugo Naessens: Being in a sub-coma, sleeping through thunderstorms, nuclear attacks and earthquakes, but jumping out of bed at the first squeak of the kids.

Katrina Greenwood: The ability to say ‘no’ and then not give in after begging or tantrum.

Josh Rickard: Pushing my son out of his “comfort” zone to try something new. Just turned 4 today and has been riding his bike with no training wheels now for about a month.

Jason Bogle: Holding my 1 year-old girl while cooking dinner for her brothers.

Anne Katherine: I can smell a fever.

Chris Reed: Staying focused on quizzing my boys for spelling test while they constantly keeping farting!

Christopher Smith: Sarcasm…stops the oldest dead in her tracks.

Jonathan Guevarra Robles: SUPER FAST REAL QUICK! when my kid cries while he is asleep…grab his bottle at the kitchen and teleport to him.

What’s your parenting superpower? Share it with us on Facebook!

*Flickr photo by Paurian, used under Creative Commons license.