Heard a Good Dad Joke Lately? We Have!

We don’t always know where they come from but we know for certain that when they come out of a dad’s mouth these jokes are equal parts hilarious and awkward for kids to hear. Are dad jokes terrible in a good way or good in a terrible way? Makes no difference, because there’s nothing as good as a good cringe-worthy dad joke. Here are 19 dad joke zingers that were recently shared on the Life of Dad Facebook page.

John Baker: I never wanted to be believe my dad was stealing from his job as a road worker. But when I got home, all the signs were there

Sal Cruz Jr.: Dad drives passed a farm with his kids he says hey kids look at that flock of cows, kid says herd of cows, dad replied of course I’ve heard of cows theirs a whole flock of them over there.

Speaking of fart humor, Dot Lazzarotti’s dad said “that when someone farts on a couch, the farts get stuck in there and if you jump on the couch all of the farts would come back out. We didn’t jump on couches anymore!”

Michael Mcnutt: Did you hear about the Dad that had 2 kids and still got to sleep more than 8 hours? Yeah, never happened.

Andrew Travers: I haven’t slept for 10 days because that would be too long.

Gearoid France: I have an air freshener hanging in the car for years it’s just a tree shaped bit of cardboard at this stage. Every time I fart when I’m driving I pretend the smell of the air freshener has come back. “Oh wow can’t believe the pine smell is after coming back in this old air freshener”. This results in everyone in the car taking a huge sniff.

Serrica Michalek: My dad always used the joke while passing by a cemetery and would ask “do you know how many dead people are buried here? . . .All of them”

Conor Keatings: Whenever my lads ask me to put their shoes on I tell them don’t be ridiculous they are way too small!

Timothy Campbell and Robert Koeppen both gave us this LOL-worthy dad joke: Do you know why, when geese fly in a V, one side is always longer than the other? Because there’s more geese on that side!

Oh man, dads and waitresses are a never ending source of uncomfortable humor in my family. Same is true for Jay Morse it seems because “When a server asks my dad soup or salad he says “what’s the super salad?”

Chris Wright: I went into a restaurant and was asked how I want my steak cooked I said preferably by the chef

Funny Dad Jokes_Life of Dad

Brad Prout: I ate a clock last night it was very time consuming, especially when I went back for seconds!

Andrew J Laurie: I used to have a job at a calendar factory but I got the sack because I took a couple of days off.

Joseph Obregon: What kind of underwear do clouds wear? THUNDERWEAR!

Luke Parnell: I was wondering why the basketball was getting bigger…. then it hit me.

Alice Garcia: What do you get when you put a joke with no punch line and a rhetorical question together?

Paul Bryant: Whenever I put the car in reverse I say to the kids, “ahhh, this takes me back” then proceed to reverse.

Brandan Jaun: What’s a fish with no eye….. Fshhh. It’s now my daughters favorite joke to tell anyone.

Finally, a little bit of historical humor courtesy of Matthew Kudela: If April showers bring May flowers then what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims, of course.

Head over to the Life of Dad Facebook page to tell your best (or worst) dad joke!

*Flickr photos by simpleinsomia and Aikawa Ke respectively, both shared under Creative Commons license.