The Best Words Are Made-Up Words whether they are made up by grandparents and passed down generations or invented by babbling babies who’s mispronunciations are the cutest things in the world. Here are some of the best made up words used in the homes of the dads and moms of our great Facebook community. Got one of your own? Share your made up word with us here and on Facebook!


Doug Morris: A YOYO dinner. It means You’re On Your Own…I’m not cooking tonight!


Trisha Pulliam: When my son was probably about two, he couldn’t say bulldozer. Instead, he called it a “blowhozer.” We thought it sounded like a Canadian insult, so for the last nine years, it has been our go-to insult when we’re goofing off or talking smack. “You’re such a blowhozer!”


Clayton Bell: We don’t like talking baby talk to our children and practice correct pronunciation with them. But when my youngest started talking he would call pajamas “Jamamas” it stuck with all of us. Even his older brothers would smile and giggle cause it sounds very cute when he says it.


Laura Coffin: Dadabuh: Milk with way too much Ovaltine in it, just the way dada makes it and the kids like it.


Nicole Lazarowitz: Jumpoline = trampoline.
This came about when our then 2 year old got a trampoline for her birthday. It was so adorable it stuck.


Eric DeLeon: Cremoke… how my son said remote when he was a baby. We call it that and he is almost 8. (He does know how top say it correctly now we only say that amongst ourselves).


Kayleigh Cudine: Didlum. The word my great grandad used for money that was saved up for Christmas since before I was born. I can’t remember the a time when we didn’t have a Didlum jar.


Sara Pechtel Borka: Like grandparents, but cousins. The cousins of your grandparents. (Actually first cousins twice removed, I believe.)


Rebecca Coendoz: Our daughter says ‘boogala’ which means ‘put it back’ – we use it to tell her to put her toys away and she uses it to ask us to take something off her. It’s so cute!!


Ryan Engen: UBC=Upper Butt Crack. This is used when someone needs to pull up their pants while out in public or we have company over. Just a covert way.


Trevor Hooper: Going “Newt”. The phenomenon when it’s late and you’re so tired you start laughing so hard it turns into an uncontrollable laugh/sob. At this point, the night is officially over. Once the crying stops anyway. And yes, the condition of Newt is experienced by both children and adults.

Flickr photo by Allan Foster, used under Creative Commons license.