Oh this is going to be fun. We asked the dads of our Facebook community what they hate, like, really cannot stand, and you fellas didn’t hold back! Here’s the best of the dad rants, with some truly annoying things that you guys hate.

Gino Hinds: Taking all the groceries out the car by myself because I have a 5 year old, 3 year old and 1 year old who’s hands are too weak to lift feathers.

Danny DoubleDutch Baks: I can’t stand it when I take my daughter out to the park or local play centre and the mums come up to me and ask me if I’m “babysitting” or “giving mummy a bit of a break”.

Ty Dale: When people tell me to “grow up and stop making her provide for our family, that its my job to be a man”. Well last I checked a real man isn’t afraid to clean ass and be a dad. I hate explaining that we both agreed to this lifestyle.

Jared Beagley: Being on phone calls with other human beings.
I hate this in all aspects of life, but I find myself having to do it much more often since having kids. I’ll gladly text all day but if I have to be on the phone with you, somebody should be either dying or dead.

Nick Farrell: Explosive poops that shoot up the back and gets all over the diaper, the baby, the onesie.

Domenic Candeloro: Leaving my daughter for more than 24 hours for business. Or 12 hours for that matter to go to work.wish I could spend all day with my little girl.

Paul Bollen: Bath time at 7:30 pm at night (I have three, ages 4, 8 & 10) drives me up the wall…8 pm is bed time & by 7? I’m burnt – I can barely make bed time tuck ins – the wife is constantly all about the “before bed bath”..nope uh uh, I’ll get everyone up at 6 am to do showers because by 7:30pm? I’m done.

Dave Anderson: Parents that don’t correct their child’s behaviour especially when that child has hurt somebody else on purpose!

Dustin Hughes: Onesies with buttons….they are the bain of my existence, all kid clothes should have a zipper because apparently people who make baby clothes have never had to dress a squirming 7 month old in the middle of the night,half a sleep.

Johnny Murphy: Having to punish my kids for doing something “wrong” when in all actuality I’m trying to keep my composure without laughing my ass off.

Chris Smith: Bedtime. Hate it. Can take hours sometimes and it’s exhausting. I have the best behaved daughter you could ever imagine until bedtime where she turns into a monster.

Eric Crocker Jr: Moving car seats! I really hate when I have to move them into a car/truck without the d rings in seats and have to buckle them in using the shoulder belt.

Tim J Johnson: Listening to my son tell me he wishes his mother and I were together.

And finally, this:

Ryan McNally: Breast feeding. Call me old fashioned but I still think it’s a woman’s job.

Need to rant? We’re here for you. Tell us on Facebook something you can’t stand!

Flickr photo by Mike Tungate, used under Creative Commons license.