Top Ten Titles For Fatherhood The Horror Movie (and the Life of Dad user who submitted them)

10. The Cribs Have Eyes (Kimsath Or)
9. The Crapening (Chris Hallas)
8. The Hand Under The Bathroom Door 2 (Candice Steven Bustos)
7. The Floater: Terror in the tub (Chad Smith)
6. The Devil Wears Diapers (Scotty Hayfield)
5. The Diaper Change Project (Kimsath Or)
4. Tantrum Tornado (Alister Gourley)
3. The Neverending Worry (Joel Snyder)
2. Meltdown On Elm St. (Carl Abbey)
1. It’s Too Quiet (Jammie Green)

What title would you give to a horror movie about fatherhood? Share your movie title with us on Facebook!

*Flickr photo by Jeff Turner, used under Creative Commons license.