Why attachment parenting is driving some dads to extremes…

I am “dad enough.”

I wake up with my 2 –year old daughter every morning.  We read, we sing, we eat, and we drink milk.  And then you know what?  Sometimes I’ll put on a TV show for her, so I can get some work done.  And that’s okay.  Because I am “dad enough.”

My 5-month old son has the same name as me.  My wife and I hold him, play with him, and breastfeed him (well she does) all day long.  And you know what?  We let him cry a little bit before falling asleep at night.  And that’s okay.  Because we’re “parents enough.”

All you moms out there.  Do it your way.  Own it.  Be proud of it.  You are “mom enough.”

I hope you enjoyed this photo, because the shoot came to a quick halt when my dog bit my nipple.  Unfortunately, I am not “nipple enough” right now.  Take that as you will.