Why settle for the standard Pregnancy Announcement?

Doing a pregnancy announcement used to be a pretty straightforward thing. “Hey guys, we did the thing. And now a new thing is coming from that thing.” Most of the pregnancy announcements we’d get were either from photographer friends who had the know-how, or good friends of photographers. The rest of us just sort of spread the word through Myspace and Friendster. These days though, everyone can be a photographer/ digital manipulator to some degree to spice up their announcements. Some people didn’t even need to rely on that. Instead they used some fantastic creativity to bring the things they love into the announcement. Check out some of our favorites below.


Standard Announcement Plus




Gamer Family Announcements



For The Star Wars Fans



The Mix That Makes It Extra Sweet


Help From Other Family Members

You Gotta Go



Self Aware Partners

Insert Jaws Music


Getting a Little Help From Bob

Super Hero!


Did your family create an awesome pregnancy announcement? Send it to patrick@lifeofdad.com to possibly be featured in a future post!


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Ever stifle a laugh so you don’t encourage hilarious, but not quite acceptable behavior? Well this post is for you.