I just received an email from BabyCenter.com, saying our baby is currently the length of a carrot!  Tommy boy is growing, and he now weighs roughly three-quarters of a pound.

It’s a pretty amazing feeling, knowing that my wife in currently building a child who will have the same name as me.  Isn’t it crazy that a baby who is currently the size of a carrot, already has many of his features already.

One of the highlights of being 21 weeks pregnant is that the baby’s eyebrows and eyelids are starting to appear.   If you were a carrot, imagine how small your eyebrows would be.

This got me thinking…when we used to build a snowman in the cold winters of New Jersey, we would always use a carrot for the nose.  I just did a Google image search of Frosty, thinking his nose would be carrot, but then remembered, “he had a corn cob pipe, and a button nose, and two eyes made out of coal.”

After hearing that line, you can tell the Frosty song was written years ago.  In today’s world, what parent would let their kid near a snowman who is smoking a pipe, and has “coal eyes.”

Back then, all the kids in town followed his second-hand smoke, while singing and dancing the entire way.

I’m pretty sure if the song were re-written today, Frosty would have “an electric toothbrush, and a button nose, and two eyes made out of tofu.”

What am I trying to say in this post, you ask?  I have no idea, but I’m excited that my son is the size of a carrot, and I’m looking forward to his arrival around Christmas time.

P.S.  I felt Tommy Boy kicking last night.  Thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety, thumpy thump…