You’ve been waiting all week to find out…what was the scariest/most adventurous moment of my life?

Even more idiotic than skydiving or climbing a bridge, was a hike that I did in Hawaii a few years back.

My sister and her husband lived in Oahu, so my brother-in-law and I began an adventure that almost ended our lives.

Not the actual waterfall. Ours was higher and deadlier.

We started a hike through a rainforest, but then split from the main path, and followed a forbidden trail.  “Do Not Cross” police tape covered the entrance, which should have made us think twice.  It didn’t.  For much of the hike, instead of climbing at a steep angle, we were actually scaling trees that were hugging the rocks.  Tree huggers.

After climbing hundreds of feet at a ninety degree angle, we came to a landing.  About ten feet to our right was a waterfall leading into a natural pool.  However, in between us and this beauty, was wet rock at a dangerous forty-five degree angle.  Basically, if you slipped on the rock, you would fall hundreds of feet to your death.

Not thinking at all, I cautiously walked across the angled wet rock, and made it to the other side.  I stared and the waterfall and relaxed in the water.

My brother-in-law, after one glance, told me he wasn’t going to do it.  Too dangerous.  I sat in the natural pool, thinking about what I had just done.  I had taken four large steps, with no hand grip at all…I only made it because my feet fit into little indentions in the rock.

The more I thought about it, the more I started to think that I wouldn’t make it back across.  My life was going to end here…I would die at twenty-five years old.

Finally, it was go time…I had to make it across to the other side.  I slowly stepped into the wet indentations (seriously, one tiny slip and I was falling three hundred feet), and I made it across.

I’m not joking when I tell you there was only a fifty percent chance I was going to survive.  Maybe less.

But I made it, and I realized immediately that I would never do something that dumb again.  Now I only do safe activities, like skydiving and climbing bridges.

What is the scariest adventure you have ever had?