Babs knows what “no” means.

In fact, she says it everyday herself. There are three things in our house that Babs knows she shouldn’t be touching: The fireplace, the outlets, and the DVR.

Every day, though, Babs will approach one of these three items, while at the same time looking at us. She’s testing us.

Don't worry, our outlets look nothing like this.

When she gets closer to one of these danger zones, Lucy or I will start saying, “No. No. No. No. No. No.”

Babs knows exactly where she shouldn’t be going, but she does anyway, the entire time keeping her constant stare with us.

As she approaches the item, she starts saying, “No. No. No. No. No. No. No.”

The result is a chorus of “no’s” in different octaves, as everybody in the family is saying, “No. No. No. No. No. No.” This results in us walking up to Babs, and pulling her away from the danger.

The entire time, Babs has an evil smile on her face.

Once we pick her up, and place her on the other side of the room, Babs will head right back to the fireplace, outlets, or DVR, and start the whole process over.

We all sing. “No. No. No. No. No. No.”

Hmmmm. What should we do. Experienced parents speak up!