Babs is just a few days short of being 1.5 years old. Born with a full head of hair, it was inevitable that at some point she would need a haircut. We waited on this, being the typical parents that never want their kids to grow up too fast, and a first haircut means that they are.

My first reaction was that I would cut her hair, but I think because my poor haircutting track record with our late dog, Bo, I was shot down. Although I could not admit it at the time, whenever I cut Bo’s hair, he did indeed look like a homeless dog. Being that we have the cutest daughter in the world, I didn’t want to do anything to change that.

Yesterday, we took Babs to a place named “Yellow Balloon,” in Studio City for that first snip. This place is always voted best place for children’s hair cuts in LA.

We brought our flashy camera, and I acted like Babs’ personal paparazzi for the day. As soon as we entered, Babs was in heaven. Toys, balloons and fun everywhere. A bunch of the stylists starting shouting, “Barbara,” as they like to make an event of a baby’s first haircut.

“Barbara!” “Barbara!” “Barbara!” “Over here.” “Barbara!”

I flashed photos the entire time. My kid was a celebrity.

Yep, Babs was on her cellie the entire time.

We tested her out in the race car seat, but then it was recommended that she sit on somebody’s lap for the haircut. My wife, having a built in seat cushion (she’s six months pregnant), sat holding Barbara, and I continued with the photo extravaganza.

After a quick explanation from the stylist that she is only going to trim Babs’ bangs and the back of her hair, I was called over to cut the first piece of hair.

This moment reminded me of being called over to cut Babs’ umbilical cord…but less disgusting.

Within 3-4 minutes, the haircut was over, but I think I took enough pictures, that I could turn it into a live video.

Babs’ looked great, and she received a free balloon, which made the trip worth it for her.

With her first haircut out of the way, she really isn’t our little baby anymore. I mean, she’s still our baby, but she’s not a baby baby.

You know what I’m saying?