On Tuesday, September 26, Life of Dad is going to show off how dads conquer the kitchen during the #InTheKitchenWithDad Twitter Party sponsored by @BarillaUS!
We here at Life of Dad know that Dads are no strangers in the kitchen. Our friends from @BarillaUS know it too. During our twitter party we are going to show how some of our Dads along with their kids used Barilla Blue Box + Sauce to create amazing dishes that can be whipped up in 30 mins or less. Because 30 mins is sometimes all you have in this crazy back-to-school world we’re in! Join us #InTheKitchenWithDad for pictures, highlights (and some hijinks), and yes some prizes:
Grand Prize: (1) $200 Amazon gift card
Other Prizes: (5) $50 Amazon gift cards
So mark your calendar for Tuesday, September 26, at 8pm ET/5pm PT. Join us on Twitter by following @LifeofDadShow and the hashtag #InTheKitchenWithDad.
<—-Click here to let your friends know you’ll be there so they can join you!