For me, it is an obscure little movie called MindWalk. It made me think as a young man, maybe deeper than ever before that moment, and later I’d name my record label after the movie. That label failed but it continues to pay weird dividends in my life. RIP John Heard.

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What movie changed your life?

Posted by Life of Dad on Sunday, July 16, 2017

There isn’t a big enough “OMG” emoji face to do this one justice! GULP.
Adam Dicks: Guardians of the galaxy. Lemme explain. I was encouraged to go see it by my wife. She said “go see it, I’ve got a headache anyway and you’ve really wanted to see it.” So I went. I loved it. Everything about it. I came home and my wife was with another man. So she’s my ex wife now and you know what? I couldn’t be happier.

J Manuel Aviles Jr.: Fight Club. Weird I know, but the line I heard helped when I was suffering a love loss:
“Once you lose everything, you gain the ability to do anything.”
Stuck with me ever since.

Paul Johnson: The Big Lebowski. I’ve gained new perspective regarding anxiety ever since watching it for the first time. “The dude abides” and “Calm down, you’re being very undude” are just a couple quotes that have stuck with me and have made a difference at the right times.

Jim Forbes: Lion king, watched the first 30 minutes a thousand times. My son would then fall asleep, and I would lay there watching while he slept for a while longer.

Bryce Barwick: I watched Garden State, dropped out of school, loaded my possessions into my car, and move across the country. After sobering up a few years later, I realized it was probably the drugs. But hey, either way, that’s why my wife and kids are in my life.

Muhammad Junaid Kiani: Butterfly effect.That our small decisions can change our lives forever.

Shawn Powell: Boondock Saints– Best and most underrated movie of all time. The talents you have could be better used elsewhere if applied correctly.

Khan Salman: Rocky.

That movie series helped me through a very dark time of my life and also motivated me. It translated a lot into everything I did.

Sotiris Christodoulou: Cool Runnings, my favorite quote is in this movie: “A gold medal is a wonderful thing, but if you are not enough without it, you’ll never be enough with it”.

Greg Nelson: Back to the Future.
The future isn’t written. We have to make it a good one.

Joe Steen: October Sky, if a coal miners son from West Virginia can become a Rocket Scientist then anything is possible.

Byron Fisher: Big Fish.
It really puts life into perspective.

One Good Dad: I cannot imagine a world without Star Wars.