What children movie soundtracks or child song that parents enjoy?
On The Show
Our hosts will share their favorite songs. We wanted you to be part of the conversation. Here are some of the viewers comments.
Mike Shaffer Marry Poppins score songs (watched it on VHS in grade school). The Trevor Jones score for The Dark Crystal was a favorite of mine. And the soundtracks for the original Muppet Movie. Listened to the original Star Wars score constantly. My mom had it on vinyl.
Carmen Sutton I love all the Frozen music.
Rob Green Randy Newman You got a friend in me!! Toy Story
Michael Dubovsky Anything John Williams. As a kid, Indiana Jones and Star Wars themes get stuck in my head. Still do.
About the Life of Dad Show Hosts:
Art Eddy
Art Eddy is one of the co-founders here at Life of Dad. He hosts and produces all of the Life of Dad podcasts as well as hosting a few Facebook Live Shows on the Life of Dad Facebook page. He is one of the main writers on the site. Art loves Star Wars, football (49ers fan), baseball (Red Sox fan), Air Jordans and all things Geek.
Patrick Quinn
Patrick Quinn is one of the co-founders here at Life of Dad. He is one of the funniest writers here at Life of Dad. He has a weekly article called Playlist Elevated where he introduces you to bands that you might not know, but totally should.
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