Life of Dad Community Update 6/01/18

All The Gloriousness You Missed This Week On Life of Dad

And probably some of the stuff you didn’t miss.

More than likely some stuff you intentionally missed.


Blossom and Hakas and Botox, Oh My!! Well, it’s been another fine week of parenting for all of us over here at Life of Dad. We did the things, we cooked the foods, we parented the heck out of some kids. All the while, we were putting together some great stuff for you to check out in our dad community update. Did you miss it? Don’t worry, we have you covered. If you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of Life of Dad, take a minute to create your own account, get the Life of Dad app, and get all up in our dad community. Try it… just to see if it feels good.

This week’s Geek Show (Thursdays at 12pm EST on Life of Dad’s FB page) had a fantastic guest with Mayim Bialik from The Big Bang Theory and Blossom. Check out the chat they had here:

We’re Like… Best Friends Now

You got jokes? Not like these parents on Twitter.

The Twitter Game is Strong With These Parents
Life of Dad Funniest Tweets 10

We guarantee you can’t Haka like this kid can Haka. Unless you can, in which case we stand corrected.

This Kid’s Intimidation Tactics Are Backfiring


What are you getting your kids’ favorite teacher this year? If it’s not Botox, we don’t even know what to do with you.

Gift Cards Were SO 2015


Dad Gifts Botox To Son’s Teacher As End Of Year Present


We’re glad you’re a part of the Life of Dad community. Now get out there and kick parenting’s ass right in it’s ass’ ass.