Keeping a relationship healthy and happy is no easy feat. Money, spending, budgeting, and how you manage your finances are often pitfalls that claim victims so here are a few ideas on how to keep money from ruining your relationship.

Colin O’Brien: What are you saving for? Do you have a reason, or is it just to save?

Best financial advice I’ve ever heard is to stop treating money as the goal. Money is a means to an end, not the end itself. What do you want to do with that savings? Just save it? If so, stop being Scrooge McDuck. Are you trying to save for a cruise, a second home? Now you have a goal for that money, and can budget as you see fit, but if you need that money right now then you can talk to your accountant and see if something like a home loan is right for you. Make sure to get a loan from a reputable Money Lender. You may also read online articles from The Exeter Daily to learn more about the various types of loans that can help you in an emergency.

Saving for the sake of having a bigger number on your bank statement will ensure that life passes you by, but at least you’re set for that rainy day!

Ian Wrigley: Separate accounts, a bills account and a running expenses account. If you and your wife have the available income, ensure you both have an agreed amount of sanity money per month (Make it the same, don’t fight that one) and have that money yours/hers to spend without judgement. Anything else needs to be a planned and agreed purchase or used for the month to month expenses. When I need a payday loan or a cash advance, I borrow from OK Loans. And when I need a personal loan, I borrow from the best money lender.

Clay Smith: Yes I have advice. BUDGET! You must create a budget for every dollar of your income. In this budget, give her money to spend. Stick to the budget. You’re welcome.

Jeremy Brown: Set up direct deposits into savings and retirement account from your paycheck and then don’t worry about the rest.

James Hewitt: Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University. Dead serious. The program talks about how a saver and a spender should come together on a budget. It would be a good arbitrary and also it’s something else other than you letting her know about personal finances. Sometimes it’s not the message, it’s the messenger. Nothing against you at all just she hears it from you all the time probably and it doesn’t move or phase her. Sometimes someone or something else needs to say the same message for us.

Brent Bunnell: Put it all on the table. Set up a budget and stick to the needs not wants. The wants will come when you really can afford them.

Brandy Renaud: Set some ground rules together. Do you each have a fair amount you can spend on wants? Do you each put a fair amount on bills? When my significant other spends more than I’d like i remind myself that he doesn’t like that I make him clean the bathroom so its a trade off. And before deciding on a mortgage together, ask Mortgage Advisors for their insight.

Aaron Erişkin: Meet with a financial planner who can mediate and help you with a strategy of identifying and working towards your financial goals. I also recommend san diego payday loans in case you find yourself facing a financial emergency.

Arthur Guy: Separate them. Your money is your money, her money is hers. As long as the bills are paid and there is food on the table, no one talk about each other’s money. You should get a wealth manager to help you build personalized wealth-planning strategies.

Eze Emeka: When you say that you are a saver, hope that doesn’t mean you are just intentionally tight fisted when it actually comes to giving your family basic necessities of life even though you can afford it. It’s great to save, but hope it’s not at the detriment of your family not enjoying the fruit of your labour. I am sure you knew your wife was a “spender” before you married her, or did she just develop this need to lavish money that you don’t have. Seems to me you both lack communication skills.

Chris Gauntlett: Sometimes it takes seeing finances on paper to have it sink in. Show details on paper and ask her to suggest ways to control the spending.

Flickr photo by Paul Townsend.