Megan Faure, author of The Babysense Secret .

Topic: Learning how to understand your baby’s moods.

Issues: Creating a baby-centric routine and struggle less to get your baby to sleep; understanding your baby’s sensory world and signals to avoid overstimulation, which leads to fussiness.

Rachel Compos-Duffy, author of Stay Home, Stay Happy.

Topic: Secrets to loving at-home motherhood.

Issues: Embracing the choice to stay home with confidence; taking care of yourself guilt-free; mentally and physically recharging every day, and more.

Deborah Copaken-Kogan, author of] Hell is Other Parents.

Topic: Tales of maternal combustion.

Issues: A collection of witty, smart, funny, poignant essays on dealing with intrusive and judgmental other parents, modern working parenthood, raising a family on inadequate income.