There isn’t a dad on earth who doesn’t appreciate a few quiet moments alone on the toilet but what else do dads appreciate? We asked and as always, you told us! Here’s just a taste of what you dads appreciate the most.

Since you became a dad, what's something you've learned to appreciate?

Posted by Life of Dad on Saturday, March 11, 2017

Zachary Wiesner: A good solid deuce….in silence. On the flip side, I have also learned to appreciate the fact that I am responsible for molding a young life and guiding him through life’s challenges.

Chris Brown: When she was younger I appreciated adult/alone time, but now that she’s a teen I appreciate every minute she wants to spend with me. Take nothing for granted fellas because time really does fly.

Sam Dean: As a dad of just 48 hours I’m already saying sleep!! Right now here in the U.K. It’s 1:24 am and even though he’s asleep daddy is on watch whilst mummy sleeps. I guess you want to trust them but every little noise has you on edge.

John Schmidt: Simple one word answer. TIME. time with my wife, time with my wonderful daughters. Everything in life goes so fast as soon as you have kids. Hard to slow down.

Derrick Barton: For as annoying as it is, the constant questions…the 4 year old won’t stop talking. EVER. He is always asking why, when, where, who but I realize he’s looking to me for answers, he sees me as the person who knows everything (for now). He just wants every shred of info and knowledge I can share.

Laird Reed: By far, my parents. As a child, you don’t understand what your parents have to go through. You don’t understand how valuable time is. And through thick and thin, they were always there for me.

Brett Johnston: The two hours I get each day between when i get home and he goes to bed, and reading/watching cartoons and trips to the park on weekends.

Amit Singh: I learned to appreciate myself. I was told when my son was still in the womb that I would be incompetent as a father. After reading some books and learning things like how to change a diaper, I became a really good dad.

Albert Scotty Hearne: Naps. Freaking naps are awesome.

Marcos Muñoz: Short periods of silence, dates with my wife, and every hectic moment in between.

Bill James Jr.: A trip to Home Depot where I don’t forget half the stuff I went for!

Matt Wakefield: The lock on the bathroom door. Locksmith Ninja says that they can check all the locks in your house if it’s secure.

Henwill van Aswegen: That first morning smile you get when they see you coming into the room, it makes my day.

Francisco Navarro: When out of the blue they just kiss you and they say I love you.

What do you appreciate most about being a dad? Tell us on Facebook.

Flickr photo by AnneCN, used under Creative Commons license.