This is a guest post done by Brandon G Handley. 

The coaching phenomenon… the personal development space… the be the best you can be, space… typically makes you want to run up to the person telling you this and punch them square in the face.  Maybe. Or, you just look back over your shoulder at the poor bastard and tell them to go straight to hell. Because, really, if you wanted to be better, you would just, you know… be better… you don’t need that guy to tell you how you should be.

Ask me how I know all of this… to be honest, historically I walked in your shoes… I told that bastard where he could go spend his time, and often times I am told him or her how to spend it while they are there.  Let’s be honest, I haven’t always been so kind.

All of that being said, why would one want a coach?  How do you decide what a good coach is?  What kind of coaching is out there? How many questions are going to be on this test?

Most often when you think about a coach, you are probably thinking back to high school, to the P.E. teacher who had those weird elastic shorts that came up above the waist and seemed to straddle the belly and the stomach at the same time… and that person looked the same male or female… their primary weapons?  Their shrill whistle and squat thrusts.

Of course, there is also the coach in every sport, and if you participated in high school or college sports you worked with a coach… and at some point there were multiple coaches.  The head coach, the assistant coach and now there was a pitching coach, a first base coach or a third base coach, you get the drill.

Seems pretty simple, and you already know that kind of coach, the person or people who are instructing or training the athlete to utilize their natural strengths and improve upon them… or perhaps you could say make maximum use of their innate strengths and bolster their weaknesses.

The coach simply wants the player in the game or scenario to achieve their maximum potential in any given situation.

The player or athlete in the game has little chance of a lengthy bit of success without their coach.

When you think of some of the most famous athletes such as Tom Brady, Michael Jordan and currently Lebron James, you will find that they have multiple coaches, for many aspects of their lives.  Position coaches, strength coaches, nutritionists, personal trainers… sure you say, they are highly paid athletes and need those coaches.  You will find no disagreement here… what you will find that makes these guys different and even special, is that they listen to their coaches.  Coaches learn as much as they can about any given situation, they specialize in an area, space, and they custom tailor their knowledge to the athlete and they work together almost in tandem.

There is also the coach that takes care of the mental aspect, the psychological.  You have mastered all that is physical, but now you are letting doubt creep in. You hear the words that people are saying about your abilities, you feel like you are losing a step… you are focused so much on the up and ahead, or looking behind your shoulder for who is up and coming, and you’re dropping the ball here and now.

That is where a sweetlifecoach truly shines.  Helping you conquer your fears. Fear can be powerful and fear can hold your back.

What is something that you feared once upon a time?  Something that seemed scary?

By targeting what’s scary, it will have a ripple effect on everything, including your career.

It may seem completely unrelated to business, but when you prevail in one part of your life, it gives you confidence in another part.

Discover CLARITY on “What YOU really WANT in your life”

Once you find clarity, you find an innate POWER.  The clarity that you find cuts away at all of those invisible strings that have been holding you down, like the hundreds of strings that once held Gulliver of Gullivers travels down.  With that clarity, you make decisions based on this new found clarity, you commit. And, often times once you commit you find it will create a chain reaction that magnetically begins to pull you towards what you have committed to!

What’s most important to you in life?
What’s most important to you in your career?
What’s most important to you in your relationships?
What are you tolerating in your life?
What do you want MORE of?
What do you want LESS of?

This is just the tip of the iceberg – there are actions that you have been yearning to take, there is something in your life that you have been holding yourself away from… once you allow for that understanding, once you make the decision to let go of your fears and begin taking action… even the smallest actions towards the life of your choosing… the life that YOU design, you will find yourself a changed man… it could be the best you if that’s what you make the decision to be.

To be honest, just being whoever you want to be INTENTIONALLY is what’s at stake here.  If you are prepared to stop letting the world do the thinking for you, deciding what’s best for you… if you are prepared to make the decision to commit to a life of your own, to gain control of YOU.

As a father, we teach best and most by modeling… if you can take a look in the mirror and say to yourself that today has been ideal, that you have set the course, stayed the course and are modeling in the most certain of ways… then perhaps your work is complete.

If you feel as though there is something right outside of your reach and perhaps are seeking a bridge from what you think you know, to knowing who you are and who you can become, coaching can help to bridge that gap.

As your coach, we’ll explore options, discover what you really want in life, and focus on what you truly love to do. Then we’ll design your life around the “what’s most important”, setting values-based goals and prioritized action items, and diligently integrate them into your life.  Everyone had to start somewhere and this is the first step.

If you would like to connect please do not hesitate. Go to my website at