Art and Craftspic This week for our Art and Crafts segment here at Life of Dad we are getting ready for Valentine’s Day. We are doing a heart handprint. We all have seen the Thanksgiving turkey handprint, but some of you might not have seen this idea for Valentine’s Day. This idea creates a silhouette of a heart from your child’s hand. This is great gift your child can give to mom, dad, or their grandparents.

Materials Needed:

Finger Paint

Paper plates


White paper

Card stock



Have your child dip their hands in plates of red finger paint to cover their hand in the red paint. Then have them place their hand in a way in the white paper to make a heart. Let that dry. After the paint is dried take some card stock paper, preferably red, and glue the white paper with the handprints on top of the card stock.hearthp

Now you have a perfect Valentine that your child can give to a loved one. Your child can even personalize their picture if they know who they are giving it to for Valentine’s Day.