That's my girl.


A few weeks ago, Babs and I met a friend of mine and his son at a park in LA. This was the first time I was bringing my baby to a park by myself, but my buddy was a veteran at this, being a father to an eight month old.

One year ago we would have gone to a bar, and chatted about sports. Now, we were still talking sports, but at a park, with our kids in our arms. It is kind of amazing to realize how much your life changes at times. One thing that hasn’t changed? The Pittsburgh Pirates are still a bad baseball team.

At the park, we had multiple moms come up to us and say, “That is the sweetest thing that you have your babies here, my husband would never take our baby to the park.”

Really? I know plenty of dads that would, starting with my own dad, years ago. That’s why I was surprised when we were told that some men won’t. For those dads that are uncomfortable with this, I say step it up. Taking your baby out is not that big of a deal, and is actually relaxing and a lot of fun. Where else can you get away with just lying on a blanket, and rolling over every now and then when you feel like it.

In fact, here a few tips for Dad’s bringing their kid to the park for the first time.

1. Sneak a beer in the diaper bag. Why not? As long as you walk to the park, that is. What could possibly be cooler than having a beer while your baby is chilling on a blanket.
2. Take a picture of you and your baby at the park. Your wife will love you forever.
3. Don’t bring your cell phone. I’m totally guilty of disobeying this sometimes. However, having just nature and your baby is pretty awesome.
4. Bring a pacifier for you and your baby. Sure you don’t want to be wearing a pacifier when you bump into friends, but wouldn’t you get a kick out of a complete stranger seeing you and your baby with pacifiers?

Now go to the park!