You just got iced, Dad!

Having lunch at a restaurant with a seven month old is much different then having lunch with a two month old. The Riles crew went to the same restaurant at The Grove in Los Angeles, as we did five months ago. In April, Babs slept most of the day, so I had time to write an in-depth two part series about Stroller Power. Now, in September, it was all eyes on the baby…

You see…Babs is over seven months old now, and she suddenly wants to be a part of the party. Uh oh.

It started out so innocently. We sat down at the table, and Babs was all smiles, sitting up in her stroller, and having a blast. She could not have been cuter or better behaved.

But then the tide changed…

Babs got a good grip on the table cloth, and started pulling. That’s right, this kid can now grab things. She doesn’t quite have the strength to pull the entire table cloth off, but she is getting there. The glasses were jiggling, the silverware was banging, and the salt was shaking. It was a baby earthquake. Uh oh.

Just as the aftershocks were wearing off, Babs stood up in her stroller. Yeah, I said it…she stood up in her stroller. She had a few bars for support and just went for it…pushing with her legs and arms, and suddenly she was standing. Strollers are for sitting babies, not standing babies, so I had to grab her immediately, in order to maintain balance (her balance, and the world’s balance). Part of me wants to think that this part was a dream…but I’m pretty sure that she stood up in her stroller. Uh oh.

Babs then relocated to my lap. Babs loves ice water. As you can see in the picture, she is always trying to get her hands on it. She’ll drink drink drink, and only about 75% of the water returns to my glass as a combination of drool/backwash. But hey, it’s my daughter…I can handle her drool. Wait…she is a girl…so I may have gotten koodies. Uh oh.

Our lunch arrived, and we ate while taking turns holding our baby girl. Life was good, and we were learning to adapt to this baby who can suddenly do things. Then I saw something else I had never seen before…A woman walked past with a stroller…and what was in the stroller, you ask? A dog. Yep, the lady brought a dog stroller to The Grove.

I almost threw up. But then Babs took care of that for me.