Just like every other parent, I don’t have a favorite child (most of the time). However, I’d imagine that the larger the family brood becomes, the more likely it is that you might not be as fond of one or two. It’s just the laws of probability. I’m one of six and clearly my mom’s favorite by a loooong shot. As for me, I only have two kids at the moment and they’re both pretty awesome, but also both very, very different from each other. While I don’t have a favorite of the two, I have to admit that when my son (J) gets the better of his sister (K), I let out a little cheer inside of me. Then usually have to send him to the penalty box. (Our name for time-out).

cupcake     Competition began early.

Up until recently, any dynamics between the two of them has been pretty much overshadowed by my daughter’s dominance over every aspect of their relationship with each other. Since mastering the miracle of speech, she has pushed that miracle to its very limits with each waking hour. Once during a long drive, K actually stopped talking for more than a minute (an exceptionally rare occurrence). Our son looked confused and said “Mommy….. where did K go??”. She was literally sitting next to him, but without the nonstop narration of all that was going on in her head, it was as if she ceased to exist.

The only time we ever really heard our son talking was when she wasn’t around. When she started school we realized that he actually had a lot to say, but never had the opportunity to do so. Literally moments after we dropped her off at school he blurted out his first complete sentence. This seriously hadn’t happened before. Up until then, he’d start one and be instantly interrupted.

Not only did she consume all of the verbal airspace, but when our son did talk he was often told what he should be saying by her. “I’m going to say this and then you HAVE to say this back”. It was as if she was the cruise director of his life. She planned and choreographed each detail of his day and lorded over her subject with an iron fist. So for a while our stifled little guy was definitely the underdog, and I tend to pull for the underdog in most competitions. Makes for better movies. His sister was bigger, talked faster and with far more consistency. She was able to get away with things using brain power that he had yet to develop. I’m sure he was blamed for many of her misdeeds because she was able to manipulate the system.

Recently, however, the lowly peasant J began to revolt against the dictatorial rule of “K The UnMuteable”.  As he grew older he began to realize that he has an opinion. Despite how his sister demands things should be run, he’s able to add input and even go off in totally different directions than she had laid out. They might be having a tea party when he’ll decide that his dinosaurs should, and will, attack. Inevitably this leads to fighting. He’s a veritable William Wallace of my living room. As ruling monarch, it’s hard for my daughter to abdicate her throne and her backlash towards the usurper can be intense. She’s actually tried to put him into the penalty box on her own from time to time as if it’s her personal castle dungeon.

On the other hand, the oppressed populace that is my son seems to be following the path of many notable rebellious factions throughout history. He knows his forces aren’t strong enough for a full on ruling class overthrow so he relies on antagonizing and general disruption; hoping that his actions will force her hand to make a tactical mistake.boss

So when my son does stand up to his big sister I’m usually on his side for the ensuing altercations. Of course I don’t let that be known when separating them. I’m fair and they both get a talking to, but inwardly I’m high fiving our little guy for trying to further his agenda and not passively accepting the commands of his sister.  My fandom is fickle though. I’m sure soon enough I’ll be backing team daughter when these things start happening. Or maybe even one day I’ll take a lesson from the “Little Brother Spring Uprising” and stand up to both of them myself! It’ll be a glorious day of fatherly rule, untainted by the whims of my children. Who am I kidding, I’m such a wuss. “Yes kids, I’m getting your snack ASAP. Can I also clean your room for you??”