We all know that communication is important at home and in business. But did you know that only 7% of our communication is the words we say? The majority of our communication happens with body language, facial expressions and voice tone. When teens stop talking to their parents, attentive
parents can draw them out by understand what their non-verbal communication is saying. Is it anger, sadness or frustration? The same holds true for our colleagues in the workplace. People regardless of age, when wanting to avoid a subject that may get them in trouble, would often resort to lying. How can you then detect if your child, friend or co-worker is lying to you? Vanessa Van Edwards will share with us the types of body language, tone of voice and eye contact that will alert you to know who is being deceitful. Join us on Thursday, Feb. 21 at 3 PM PT–6 PM ET to listen to her advice and ask her your specific questions.