A True #SuperMilkMan

A True #SuperMilkMan

The Cheeky Daddy is honored be included in the Life of Dad #SuperMilkMan contest to meet none other than Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Besides being able to whip up a stellar #milk video on Instagram, I’ve attended a kick-ass Twitter party where we allĀ  measured our #SuperMilkMan stature and mixed it up. The best part is hanging with some pretty dang cool people. Joining the Life of Dad site, amongst my other social media outlets, has been like joining the ranks of the greats. These greats are just your average dads, doing everyday and heroic things. Things like changing diapers, dealing with teenage angst, and so on. I don’t feel as along any more, with these gentleman in my corner of life.

One of my new favorites is The Captain, and his 8 questions he’d ask The Rock if he won. I read through and was inspired. The Captain is one funny guy, but it got me thinking about what I might ask The Rock, if,…
I mean when I meet him. For the full monty, head on over and read my original post (with The Rock’s ad and Super Bowl commercial) So, here are my 10 Question I’d Ask The Rock:

1. For a sample of DNA to so that I might clone my own version of The Rock to hang out with at parties and such.
2. Time to do a plaster cast of The Rock doing The People’s Eyebrow, that I might be inspired daily, in 3-Dimension.
3. To say some key words for me to record, so that I might have The Rock give me step-by-step m GPS navigation.
4. If he wouldn’t mind accepting a challenge to “who can drink this gallon of #milk the fastest”.
5. If, when the time is right, we might sing a duet of his performance in Get Shorty of “You Ain’t Woman Enough (To Take My Man)” together.
6. If, since he’s always asking, HE can smell what The Rock is cooking?
7. Are there any Easter eggs to his tattoo, like Hidden Pictures in the publication Highlights?
8. What’s he dressing up as for Halloween, ‘cuz, you know, I don’t want to go as the same thing.
9. Do his kids get a full 3 count pin when they’re misbehaving? (and other fatherly advice).
10. “Do me this one favor. I want you to hit me, as hard as you can.” (Movie line rip-off, but it still applies.)

Thanks for the inspiration guys. Thanks to Life of Dad for such an awesome contest and opportunity. Thanks to The Wife for putting up with my attempt at being cool. Lastly, thanks to the blogging group of AWESOME dads I’ve meet along the way.

The Cheeky Daddy