Another baby that looks exactly like me.

Another baby that looks exactly like me.

My wife is pregnant! Yes, we’re excited, and last week we went Facebook official with the pregnancy.   Now there is no turning back.

This will be our third kid, and if you do some quick math on your fingers, you’ll realize we currently have two kids.  And they are good kids.  Sure, they might bark demands at us, or scream “roar” Katy Perry style when they don’t like what we are saying, but they really are good kids.  And they’re best friends.  Babs and Tommy play together all day long, and seem to genuinely miss each other when they are apart.

As my wife enters her second trimester, I’ve had multiple people tell me, “You’re switching from man-to-man to zone defense.”

As a huge sports fan, I get the analogy right away, and I must say, it’s kind of scary.

Man-to-man-defense-Life of DadWhen things get ugly in our house now (tantrums, sickness, an episode of “Little Einsteins” ends), my wife and I can separate the kids, and continue to have home field advantage.  We both take care of a kid, and we as adults continue to rule the house.

Once we have a third to the mix, there will be more on offense than us on defense.  If you count our dog, who ate six bagels in one sitting a few days ago, it’s more like 4 against 2.

We’ll have to adapt to handling two mischievous kids, and a crying baby.

How will my wife and I defend this?  Well, we’re both hands on parents, so we’ll do fine.  But, it’s going to get quite dicey every now and then.

We’ll need to create new schemes and plays to keep the older kids away from the baby when he/she is sleeping.

We’ll have to devise a playbook of who sleeps, eats, and bathes when and where, in an attempt to keep our house in some sort of order.

It’s going to be frustrating, emotional, challenging, fun, overwhelming, amazing, smelly, and unforgettable all at the same time.  We may lose a bunch of battles day-to-day for the years to come, but when we’re sitting at the Thanksgiving table ten years from now with a 10 year old, 13, year old, and a 15 year old, we’ll feel like we won the Superbowl.

Or maybe it will still be frustrating, emotional, challenging, fun, overwhelming, amazing, smelly, and unforgettable.

Regardless…let’s do this.